Saturday, 17 November 2012


Seeing is deceiving,

dreaming is believing.

Just be true to who you are.

Think twice before you get that tattoo.
If no one was there to see it,
If you couldn't tell a soul about it,
And it was just for your eyes only,
Would you still want to get it?

The words you've chosen,
The pictures you've picked -
If no one understood them,
Or thought they were attractive,
Would you still get it inked into your skin?

Think twice before you get that piercing.
If your best friend or sworn enemy
Or that celebrity on Tumblr -
Hadn't gotten that exact same piercing,
Or even talked about it,
Would you have ever thought of doing it yourself?

If the people around you judged you
And hated your piercing,
Would you still keep it?

Think twice before you say yes.
If all your friends weren't in a relationship,
And if you had everyone else to choose from,
Would he still be your number 1 choice?

What if he wasn't popular?
And you couldn't tweet or instagram
The time that you spent together
Or what if you could,
But no one cared?
Would you still be with him?

I thought twice about getting that piercing.
Not because I heard it was painful.
It wasn't.
But because the people around me -
Kept talking me out of it.

But I got it in the end.
Because I figured that,
Even if no one noticed it,
Even if no one thought it was cool,
I would have done it anyway.

I thought twice about wearing that outfit.
Not because I didn't love it.
I did.
But because I was worried -
About what other people would think.

But I wore it in the end.
Because I figured that,
Even if people didn't think I looked fashionable,
Even if they didn't like what I was wearing, 
I would have worn it anyway.

It's not easy writing this, because most of us, myself included, would never admit to doing something only because we thought it would make us LOOK and SEEM cooler.

Why are we so obsessed with our image, and the way others look at us? We end up saying things we don't mean, and listening to music we don't like... for what? Approval? Attention? Admiration?

This post is for the boyfriend that's with the girlfriend for status. For attention. Not because he thinks she's beautiful, but because his friends think she's hot. Not because he knows her, but because everyone else knows of her.

This post is for the nobody, who earned his recognition by getting drunk and pushing people around. Even though he has a passion for children and a soft heart.

This post is for the gregarious girl, who chose to lose her virginity at 14. Even though she's religious, and  had everything she wanted. 

This post is for the best friend, who got a tattoo on her shoulder after watching her friend get one. Because she feels like she has something to prove, and she doesn't want to live in anyone's shadow.

This post is for the underdog, who bought a leather jacket and got a ear stud. Not because he likes black and holes in his body, but because he doesn't want to come off as predictable, or boring. Because he wants to be noticed.

Chances are, after reading this, you'll still go ahead and do whatever it was that you were going to do. But think about it first. Because even though the people around you can affect your decisions, sometimes even without your knowing, you're the only one that has to live with them.