Wednesday 15 February 2012

Diet Pills & Cellulite Cream

My friend recently posted a blog post about something similar. Click here if you wanna check it out! But I just thought it was about time I shared my opinions on this too.

In the past 20 years, society has slowly, and cruelly brainwashed us into thinking that skinny = pretty. I know I can't be the only one who wishes that I was born slightly sooner, because this world has become an awful place for a teenage girl to grow up in. 

I used to love Barbie when I was younger, but I've never played with the 90s barbie in my whole life. Have you? 

I'm gonna start keeping all my old dolls from last time somewhere safe, so I can give em to my daughter in the future. Who knows what Barbies would look like when she's in the world?

It's normal to be conscious of your appearance. Especially at this age. Especially if you're a girl. But it's no excuse to mistreat your body. Every day in school, at least half of the girls in my class skip either lunch, recess, or both. And in more extreme cases, they subject themselves to only eating, say like, a bowl of fruit, or cereal, for the entire day. And majority of these girls, AREN'T EVEN FAT. 

But somehow, they're convinced that they are.

Anorexia Nervosa;
Pronounced (an-uh-rek-see-uh  nur-vo-sah)
More commonly known as: Anorexia
Definition: the obsessive fear of gaining weight, without appetite 

Did you know that most runway models meet the BMI criteria for Anorexia? TWENTY years ago, an average fashion model weighed 8% less than an average woman. TODAY, she weighs 23% less. Why should any girl be stick thin to be called "beautiful"? Be a size 2 to be noticed, and 0 to be a model? 

Why are we trying so hard?

Sometimes it's healthy. Most of the time, it's not. Okay, we seriously need to re-evaluate what we think of dieting. It does not mean that you spend months under-eating. It simply means that you should be mindful of what you eat. AND you eat HEALTHILY.

Gotta consider the side effects first. Most of them have like, laxative effects or worse. At least try to consult a doctor before use. ALSO, it's usually really expensive.

Ineffective. Usually because it's just moisturizer or something, but gives off a burning sensation when you apply it. So there's that psychology that it's "burning" some of your fat away. :| (The only thing it's burning is your money, true story.)

There are people who suffer from Anorexia as a lifelong psychological illness, that takes years to, or may even never be cured. But there are people around us who were given a perfectly good body, and mind. Yet they choose to force themselves into the "mold" of what society calls "perfect". When every female role model happens to be a size 2 and under. 

It never used to be this way. Remember women like Marilyn Monroe? She was a size 14. FOURTEEN! But she was still so damn gorgeous.

Almost every girl has been through that phase. Of being unhappy with her body. The dieting, the pills, the lotions. Anything, to fool herself into thinking she'll be perfect. But the definition of 'Perfection' is forever changing. And true beauty, lies in the imperfections. The earlier you all realize that, the better.  :]

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