Monday 13 February 2012

The Line

There's always a line. Between Like and Love. Between Friends and More. It may not always be the clearest, or most well-defined, but it's there. And once you've crossed that line, it's almost impossible to go back.

How often do we come across people in a relationship, but claim that there's no "label" to it? Please. If it talks like a boyfriend, and acts like a boyfriend, it is a boyfriend. As much as you would like to be able to call it off whenever you want to, you can't. Once you're involved with someone, it's hard to go back to being just friends. There's always a line.

Being on the line, is tiring. And dangerous. And unhealthy for the friendship. Whether it was a mistake that led you there, actual feelings, or just a spur of the moment, you're there now. And there's a choice to be made. There's no in-between. 

Think about it.
What's a relationship? It involves emotions, jealousy, chemistry. With one, comes the other two. Whether you choose to label it or not, isn't going to change what is. 

And of course, there are the situations where the line gets blurred out. Because you claim you only see them as a friend, but end up doing or saying things that imply that you want to be something more. There's always a line. And it keeps getting pushed further and further back, until you have no clue where it lies anymore. Is holding her hand okay? Cause I held it the last time. Am I making sense here?

It's like this. Say you have feelings for a friend, and you suddenly make a move, it's going to be really easy to keep making the same move. There's no more "barrier" that holds you back. Like, say, you accidentally or playfully said, "I love you." And everything turned out fine. Chances are, you're gonna say it a few more times after that. All it takes is either one moment of sudden courage, or sudden stupidity to cross that line, and then it becomes something that you'll constantly have to be wary of. Unless, of course, you have amazing self-control. Which, let's be real, most of us don't. There's always a line.

It's simple, really. Once you start having feelings for your friend, it's hard to think of them as... just a friend. And when those feelings become actions or words, it's easy for you to get attached to the idea of it. You know like how water spills? When the first drop is making it's way down the glass, slowly carving a path as it descends. Then it becomes a fast, smooth journey for rest of the drops of water to flow in the same path, instead of anywhere else. Yeah. Like that.

There's always a line.Whether you choose to cross it or not is your choice. It's your risk.

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