Wednesday 8 February 2012

I don't believe in one way streets. Not between people. And not when I'm driving.

You know what I'm sick of?


Let's face it. It's almost always a one way street.

We're chasing after someone that's chasing after someone else. Anyone else wondering why? The person you're in love with treats you like crap, yet the person that you friendzoned is the one listening and wiping your tears.

There are reasons behind it I guess. You know what they always say. It's something bout the chase. You're too concerned with getting the guy that doesn't notice you, and too disinterested in the guy that pays you too much attention. We don't want clingy, and we don't want distant. We don't want easy, and we don't want complicated. We want an in-between. 


It's also all about timing. More often than not, when one falls for the other first, it won't work out. Because they start changing the way they act too fast, too soon. Usually driving the other further away. It has to happen in both hearts at the same time. 

It's okay. I know most of us have complicated relationships with the people around us. It's always like, when she likes you, you're with someone else. But when you start liking her, she's already moved on. Yeah that sucks. Like Life's playing a joke on you. But you can't force it. Gotta just wait for the right 'it' to happen.

So the next time that life starts screwing with you again, just move on. Take notice of those who already love you. Stop wasting so much time trying to make that one person love you, and realize that there are others that already do. Realize that. Before they start realizing it too. And they stop wasting time on you. 

I don't believe in one way streets.