Tuesday 7 February 2012

Awkward Elevator Rides

K normally I wouldn't publish two posts in a day, so I'll make this short and sweet.

Why are elevator talks so awkward???

You get in. You push the button. You get out. Done.

Never try to talk to your neighbor, unless you know them. Or else you'll just end up filling the awkward silence with even more awkward conversations. I've been in that situation toooooo many times.

And the worst part is that I live on the second highest floor, which means I'm almost always the last one out. Like today, for example, I was going up after checking my letter box. And my neighbor decided to say hi, which I'm totally fine with. But then he went on to talk about Toh Chin Chye and other Singaporean Politicians, and I just stood there like,


Yeah. Way to go. You made me look stupid. Are you happy now?? :(

Let's just stick to talking about the weather.

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