Monday 6 February 2012

Save Your Heart.

You know how when we were younger, we always fantasized about how true love would find us in the future? Whether it would be carefully lined with muscles, then wrapped in a shining armour? Or we would like imagine ourselves to be in some ridiculously cliche hollywood movie? 

Similarly for guys, I'm sure you've all had at least some vague idea of what you wanted your future girlfriend to be like. Maybe not as detailed, or specific, but you knew what you were looking for.

But with time, that all starts to change.

We grow up. We wake up.

In 2006, if you'd told me that I really wasn't going to marry Troy Bolton, I would've thrown a basketball in your face then probably run off to cry about it. But it all changes. We start realizing we ain't gonna end up with people like Megan Fox, or Taylor Lautner. And we're okay with it. We start noticing people around us. In our tuition classes, in our schools, in our churches?

But what kind of people are we trusting with our hearts?

If you think about it, we grew up expecting nothing less than Prince Charming, but we end up dating douchebags. No disrespect, really. I know many Singaporean guys who are sweet and caring, and mature enough to handle relationships. But some are really just not worth your time, especially if they don't treat you right. Has chivalry died? Why should we settle for any less?

Same for guys too. You wanted her to be sweet, cute, and funny, yet you end up going for the total bitches. Hot bitches, sure. But bitches nonetheless. There are so many more beautiful, sincere girls out there that deserve your affection. Why waste it on someone who doesn't appreciate you for who you are?

Cliche alert.

But you know it's true. Hey, I'm no judge on anyone's relationships. But it just sucks to see a perfectly good girl with a guy that doesn't treat her right, and vice-versa. 

Put down your list of qualities that your dream boy/girl should have. Because most of the time, your heart surprises you by falling for the exact opposite of what you were looking for. Don't spend your time chasing after somebody that only notices you when you're not yourself. You shouldn't have to worry about impressing anyone. If they're not impressed already, then they're not for you.