Saturday 4 February 2012

That Person.

You know what I'm talking about. That one person that means a little more than everybody else. That pretty girl in your class, your best friend, it could even be your ex.

There's a limit to how long a crush can last... usually less than a few months. If it drags on longer than half a year, it's most likely you've already developed feelings for that person, right?

Why do we all have that bad habit of trying to convince ourselves over and over again, that we don't feel anything, when we do? And when that person seems like they might like us back, we try to convince ourselves over and over again that they don't. It's first instinct,  I guess. To protect ourselves.

But seriously. Chances are, if you even have to wonder if you've fallen for this person, you probably have. And suppressing your feelings would only make it worse.


You've forgotten about the last one.
If you recently went through a break-up, or have been trying to get over somebody... But you haven't thought about him/her lately, because someone else matters more now perhaps? Like reconciliation with your ex just isn't that important anymore. Cause you start believing that you'll be okay, and life without them isn't bad.

24/7 on your mind.
The first thing on your mind when you wake up, the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep, and maybe even dreaming about them in between. When suddenly, you see his/her name everywhere. And when you suddenly develop the talent of being able to link any object you see, to this person. When everything reminds you of him/her.

You care.
You just do. You wanna know them. What they like, and what they don't. And you're more than curious about their love life. Can't help but listen in when his/her name comes up in a conversation, or get jealous when rumors are spreading about them and someone else.

You like the weird things about them.
That weird habit he/she does, or the weird things he/she says all the time; you like it. Simply, you like them just the way they are. (AWWWW)

You both get along well, and have a good time when you're together. You have a lot in common or think similarly a lot of times. It's just easier to talk to this person than anyone else. And well, yeah, if you find yourself attracted to them.

You don't really notice anyone else.
No doubt you'll still notice hot guys/girls when they walk by, but sometimes they just aren't that good-looking compared to that person. And they're becoming the only guy/girl in the room that catches your eye.

You <3 being with them.
You look forward to seeing that person all week, and when you're not with them, you wish you were. You don't have to be doing anything too exciting, even just a walk with him/her is enough to make you happy.

You give in.
Doing something you normally wouldn't do, just because he/she asked you to. When his/her opinion matters too, and you don't mind compromising. Like following her on a shopping trip, or trying to spend a  day in front of the xbox 360 --- and you don't mind.

They come first.
You planned to take a nap, or go to the gym, but wouldn't mind missing a workout to meet her instead. Similarly, you find yourself wanting to spend time with him instead of the girls. And your list of things to do just doesn't come to mind when you're with them.

They're in your future.
Not just like the near future, say, a study date this weekend. But you actually imagine what your next Christmas, Valentine's day plans are gonna be, and he/she's in them. And when you get an invitation to some party or wedding a couple of months from now, you immediately think of asking him/her to go together. Without wondering if it's too far away, or if you both will still be close in that time. (But if you really do like them, you will make sure that they won't drift from you, right?)

Yup, there you go. (:

Good luck to you (whoever is actually reading this...) and don't let that person pass you by!