Tuesday 7 February 2012


Pronounced (va-luhn-tahyne)
Definition: a person whom one asks to be one's sweetheart
Synonyms: sweetheart, true love

Tuesday, 7th February. Only one more week to the day. And that day has the potential to be the happiest, saddest, or just another ordinary day of your life. But that's up to you, of course :]

If you already know who you're spending that day with, whether it's your family, friends, or Valentine, I wish you all the best. And if you don't really have anyone in mind, I wish you all the same.

But for those of you who know exactly who you want to spend it with, but have decided not to do anything about it,

What are you waiting for? 

Valentine's Day only comes once a year. People often spend the rest of the year no less in love with the same person that they're in love with now, silently wishing that person knew how they felt. If you know that's you, why waste the chance to tell them?

If you're out there right now with the mentality that if you pour your heart out to them, he/she will end up rejecting you anyways, please. I beg you, stop being so hard on yourself. It's so simple. 

You have NOTHING to lose.


They already have your heart. What more can they take from you? Act now. If they do turn you down, then okay. You've probably obsessed over it enough to know what you would say. How you would react. Perhaps some of you planned the conversation in a way that he/she doesn't even get to respond. Example: "I know you will never like me that way, right? But yeah, just thought you should know." 

Another thing, why do girls always think that girls should never ask boys out? Seriously. I don't believe that guys should always be the ones to put themselves out there. They already pay for our meals. Come on, girls. 

Tell me how everything goes alright (: good luck to all of you! 

And to you, I probably will never be able to
bring myself to say it to you in person.
So if you feel anything at all, for anyone,
do something about it.
I'd rather you love her, than be afraid to love.
Because having a broken heart is better 
than having no heart at all.