Sunday 18 March 2012

Taylor Swift

So yeah, this is quite a random post. But I thought I'd share it anyways.

I'm rather undecided on Taylor Swift as an artist. Not sure if I like her or not. Some days, I lovelovelove her. But others, I would switch the channel immediately after she appears on MTV. I mean, come on. Sure, she sounds okay on her album and all. But she can't freaking sing live for nuts. (Sorry, taylor fans ): ) Still, millions of people are in love with her. And she's still the wallpaper on countless mobile phones. (Mostly guys')

Don't even get me started on her acting... I think the only role that she can pull off would be the bimbotic type, and I think that's only because it comes naturally for her. If you guys haven't seen her in Valentine's Day, go watch it! Just cause it's a sweet, romantic, chick flick (:

But okay, her ability to sing and act aside, her song lyrics are pretty dang good. It seems like Taylor Swift has a song for almost every dang situation that could occur to a teenage girl. Think about it. You can relate to almost all her songs. ALMOST all. I mean, come on, she writes a song about every dang thing. And every dang guys she dates

And on top of that, she's really pretty. (And skinny?!) Okay back to the point. As much as I'd love to completely HATE her, I can't. And on a lot of days, listening to her self-empowering lyrics really does help brighten my mood. Here are some songs for you to listen to when you're facing different problems in your life, just in case you need a pick-me-up!

Case #1: 
When Camilla Belle steals your boyfriend.
Listen to Better Than Revenge. Has a really catchy intro and chorus. But some of her lyrics are kinda inappropriate for her younger audience. Cough cough, "She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress." Damn. I'd hate to piss her off.

Case #2:
When someone takes an award out of your hands and says it belongs to Beyonce.
Listen to Innocent. "Who you are is not were you've been." I mean, hey, you can't hold a grudge forever right? Why not write a song to let the whole world know what a big heart you have to forgive the guy who publicly humiliated you. 

Case #3:
When you date an older dude who broke your heart.
Listen to Dear John. "My mother accused me of losing my mind." Yeah, no shit your mom thinks you're crazy. But a good song nonetheless, which really does capture her naivety, and makes her look like the victim of some psychopath's emotional instabilities...

Case #4: 
When you're being picked on.
Listen to Mean. This song reassures you that you have a brighter future ahead of you than they do. And the music video's really cute! \

Kay fine. No hate, honestly. Just expressing my opinions on Taylor Swift. Another random thought: Did she date like everyone in the freaking business?! Either guys in Hollywood are just really easy, or she must really have game. I mean look at this:

Oh my goodness, she was two-timing Cory with Taylor and Cory doesn't even get his own apology song?! :< what is this.... sheesh.

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