Wednesday 22 February 2012

Far Away ❤

And I don't wanna see you leave,
if "goodbye" is gonna be
the last thing I say.
So don't get on that plane,
cause if you do, 
you're 10 thousand miles away.

Ten Thousand Miles
-  Original Song by April Lee


It seems like everyone has been leaving lately.
And I know that I will, someday, too.
But the things that matter to me,
the people that matter to me,
won't just NOT matter anymore when I'm there.

But who am I to say that? I haven't gone anywhere yet. Perhaps I would really forget. And start a new life there. After all, distance can tear people apart, right? Well, what if you had someone back home that kept you holding on? That kept you from completely moving on. 

How do you know if you should let go?

Pictures, calls, emails. Sometimes it just isn't as good as having them beside you. 

Time difference. Waking up at absurd hours just to make sure they don't forget you today.

How are you supposed to make the decision, when letting go is just as painful as holding on? When remembering is just as painful as trying to forget?

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