Wednesday 29 February 2012

Pretty Villains ❤

They're everywhere. They walk among us, live among us. You never really notice them until you come across one yourself. When they meet you. When they steal your heart. And then walk all over you. And even then, we still don't see what's really underneath. It's only once we've woken up. Once we've been completely emptied by them, that we truly realize who they are.

As humans, we complain so much about the douchebags and bitches in our lives. And we claim that we hate people like them, and the way they act. We listen to our friends talk about somebody that has been a complete bitch to them, and we spend hours trying to convince that friend that they deserve to be treated better. That just because he's hot doesn't mean he can treat you like crap"Why do you still love that jerk?" we always ask. But more often than not, we forget. About the jerks that we know, about the jerks that we love. 

Yeah, we can argue all we want, when it's someone else's life. But suddenly, when it's your own, you can't even admit to yourself that that could be you. In that exact same situation. Loving a jerk. And we don't do shit about it. Well, because. Maybe we want to keep them there. In our lives, on our minds. Because I think, secretly, everyone wants a jerk to change. For them. 

We hardly ever know what hits us. They come in pretty faces and sweet voices. No one would suspect that they could do so much damage. Then again, the prettiest faces usually can. We're just too blinded by love to believe it ourselves. Why do we insist on judging someone based on their appearance? Are we that smart, that we can tell their true intentions just by looking at them? Who says villains can't be pretty?

I'm not saying that every pretty face is out to break hearts. It's not that at all. It's the pretty faces around us that know they mean a lot to us, and take advantage of that. And the worst part is? We let them.

So as much as we yell and scream about it. As much as we cry and shout about it. There are always going to be jerks in our lives. Whether you want to admit it to yourself or not. They could look like angels. And talk like angels. Appear innocent, and speak gracefully. But be careful with who your heart trusts because. Well. Who says villains can't be pretty?

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