Friday 30 March 2012


It's a game we all play. Whether we're 16 or we're 60.

Remember when things were so simple back when we were kids? There was never a need to plot, or scheme. No need for gossip, or revenge. It's so hard to know now, who you can trust and who you can't. Many people hide their true intentions and personalities from everyone else. And a lot of people would backstab, and manipulate others, just to get what they want.

Having been in an all girls school my whole life, I have experienced countless of cases like these. Where there's a small group of friends, around five to six, and they seem like the most closely knit group in the class. But then, you start to realize one by one, that they all secretly hate each other. And everyone knows it, except them themselves. It's such a joke.

I'm sure it's happened to all of us before. And of course it hurts. When you finally know the truth. Especially if it came from someone you really trusted. I still don't get it. If I did something that annoyed you, or hurt you, why not just come to me about it? Why talk about it behind my back? And if I really get under your skin so much, why not just leave? Stop pretending to be my friend. No one wants someone to be nice to them, only because they were told to be.

And you know the part I hate the most? Watching them lie to my face when I already know what they think of me. What are you so scared of? Me finding out that you really don't like me? If I'm that bad a person, why are you still pretending that everything's all fine and dandy? And if you expect that I would do the same to you, you're wrong. I'd confront you in a second. I don't need anybody in my life who doesn't want to be there.

Contrary to popular belief, the truth is not overrated. I'd rather have someone tell me to my face what I've done wrong than to make me wonder what the hell I did. I don't wanna keep having to guess what offence I've committed this time. I don't wanna keep having to apologize only months after an incident happened, just because no one bothered to tell me about it. And I don't want to play this game. 

Anyone can be nice to you when you're popular. And have your back when you're up. But a real friend, is your friend when it's not convenient to be. When it's not easy to be. When everyone else walks out on you, they aren't ashamed to be there. Those are the people that have been there all along.

So, yes. I am starting to know who my true friends are. A warning to anyone who's actually reading this, fake friends can be more cruel than real enemies. No one wins here, y'know. If you're trying to prove what an amazing actor you are, then job well done. I applaud your performance. 

But if you actually give a damn about me, you'd be straight with me. It's almost everywhere I go now. Has it become such a necessity to play politics? To pretend to be nice to everyone just so we'll appear to be like angels? I guess it has. Sigh. Just one more skill I'll have to teach my future kids so they'll survive in this twisted world.

Careful, honey, before you step outside today. Keep your game face on, and don't forget how to play. 

Sunday 18 March 2012

Taylor Swift

So yeah, this is quite a random post. But I thought I'd share it anyways.

I'm rather undecided on Taylor Swift as an artist. Not sure if I like her or not. Some days, I lovelovelove her. But others, I would switch the channel immediately after she appears on MTV. I mean, come on. Sure, she sounds okay on her album and all. But she can't freaking sing live for nuts. (Sorry, taylor fans ): ) Still, millions of people are in love with her. And she's still the wallpaper on countless mobile phones. (Mostly guys')

Don't even get me started on her acting... I think the only role that she can pull off would be the bimbotic type, and I think that's only because it comes naturally for her. If you guys haven't seen her in Valentine's Day, go watch it! Just cause it's a sweet, romantic, chick flick (:

But okay, her ability to sing and act aside, her song lyrics are pretty dang good. It seems like Taylor Swift has a song for almost every dang situation that could occur to a teenage girl. Think about it. You can relate to almost all her songs. ALMOST all. I mean, come on, she writes a song about every dang thing. And every dang guys she dates

And on top of that, she's really pretty. (And skinny?!) Okay back to the point. As much as I'd love to completely HATE her, I can't. And on a lot of days, listening to her self-empowering lyrics really does help brighten my mood. Here are some songs for you to listen to when you're facing different problems in your life, just in case you need a pick-me-up!

Case #1: 
When Camilla Belle steals your boyfriend.
Listen to Better Than Revenge. Has a really catchy intro and chorus. But some of her lyrics are kinda inappropriate for her younger audience. Cough cough, "She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress." Damn. I'd hate to piss her off.

Case #2:
When someone takes an award out of your hands and says it belongs to Beyonce.
Listen to Innocent. "Who you are is not were you've been." I mean, hey, you can't hold a grudge forever right? Why not write a song to let the whole world know what a big heart you have to forgive the guy who publicly humiliated you. 

Case #3:
When you date an older dude who broke your heart.
Listen to Dear John. "My mother accused me of losing my mind." Yeah, no shit your mom thinks you're crazy. But a good song nonetheless, which really does capture her naivety, and makes her look like the victim of some psychopath's emotional instabilities...

Case #4: 
When you're being picked on.
Listen to Mean. This song reassures you that you have a brighter future ahead of you than they do. And the music video's really cute! \

Kay fine. No hate, honestly. Just expressing my opinions on Taylor Swift. Another random thought: Did she date like everyone in the freaking business?! Either guys in Hollywood are just really easy, or she must really have game. I mean look at this:

Oh my goodness, she was two-timing Cory with Taylor and Cory doesn't even get his own apology song?! :< what is this.... sheesh.

Thursday 15 March 2012

"Jealousy is all the fun you think they had."

We all get jealous from time to time. Though most of the time, we just refuse to accept that we are. "Jealous? Who? Me??" Yeah, shut up and stop lying to yourself. It could be anything from your best friend not spending enough time with you, to watching your crush lock lips with someone else. Caused by insecurity and paranoia, and built up in our heads a lot of the times. Whatever it is, Jealousy ain't a healthy feeling to harbour.

One of the most common things for girls to be jealous over, is their appearance. It's become such a common reason to hate somebody else. Simply because you think that they have more than you, or look better than you. Please. Everyone has their own insecurities. Being confident and happy with yourself? Now that's a quality to envy.

Okay, so it's one thing to know when you're jealous. But it's another to know when your jealousy is a sign that you have developed feelings or an attachment to someone. Possibly in a "more than friends" way. So here are some ways to find out if someone is jealous over you, and if you happen to notice these examples occurring to you... You might just be jealous over someone yourself.

Much Ado About Nothing.
So you realize that he/she gets angry easily. Too easily. And most of the time, it's over something really small, or even over nothing at all. If they themselves can't or won't explain why they're angry, and you're left wondering what you did to piss them off all the time, it's a sure sign that he/she is just harboring feelings of jealousy.

Who Now?
When you can't even talk about somebody else, without them trying to counter everything you say. Or maybe, whenever you're talking excitedly about someone and you can tell that they're obviously uncomfortable or upset. Usually this is because we're insecure, and don't like being compared to someone else. The fear of being inferior.

She's Mine.
He or she is possessive over you. Always wanting to know who you're with, and who you're texting. Asking too many of these questions are definitely a sign that they're jealous. Or sometimes, she/he may show this possessiveness by telling you who you should and shouldn't be talking to. And more so when they blatantly try to talk you out of dating someone else. (Without valid reason, of course. If the guy's a psycho, then please don't take this as a sign of jealousy.)

If you recently changed your display picture to you and someone else. And he/she's annoyed or upset. Or keeps bugging you about it. Or maybe even when a picture of you and someone of the opposite sex is your phone wallpaper or in your wallet window. This is probably because they fear that someone is of higher importance than they are in your life. Sure sign of jealousy!

I Know She Is.
This is when his/her friends happen to see you two together, and makes a comment like, "Who is she? She's real cute." Or "Is he your friend? He's so hot." etcetc. And these comments make them angry or uncomfortable. And if you show interest in that friend as well, he/she starts telling you all the bad things about them. Probably cause they're worried that that friend would want to make a move on you. But this isn't too bad. You should be flattered. ;)

What's Her Name.
When he starts insulting your friends (of the opposite sex) for no reason. Even if they're really nice and never did anything wrong to him. Something super super common for Singaporean guys is, when you bring up some other guy, the only things they can say is:
1. He's a dog.
2. He's a fag.
3. He's a joke.
(True story.)
Or when she starts ranting about your ex out of nowhere, and starts calling your female friends names.

Like a damn hawk. When you two are in different parts of the room, and he's looking at you and how you interact with other guys. Same for girls. When she is constantly glancing over to see who you're talking to and how you're talking to them, if you're flirting. Usually a fear that you might be more interested in someone else.

I Don't Care.
It's a trap. When it's freaking obvious that she's bothered by the fact you're talking to your ex. But says that she "doesn't care". An over-eagerness to conceal his true feelings which leads to making him appear cold, or hostile. A lot of people tend to panic when in situations like these, where they don't want you to know that they're actually concerned for you. So those three words just pop into mind, and before they can stop it, they end up saying, "I don't care." Or "Whatever."

There you go. So if you suspect that someone may have feelings for you, look out for these signs of jealousy. And if you already confirmed that he/she is indeed always jealous, you could always just give them the 
talk and hope that they'll realize themselves that they could be in love with you ;)

But if you are the one who happens to be on the other side of this conversation, then maybe it really is time to fess up. At least to yourself. After all, jealousy makes people do ugly things. There's really no running from it.

"It is not Love that is blind. It is Jealousy."

*Random thought: it's so annoying how Blogger keeps autocorrecting my spelling to American spelling. Yes, I spell 'colour' with a 'U' in it. Get over it already.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Hello, March. I'm April. (:

Well. February is officially over. (BOO.) But that also means that the March holidays are coming! (WOOTWOOT.)
So since I'm so free, I shall write a blogpost about how my February went, and how I want my March to go!

First things first, let's recap on some of my favourites of February!

Feb 1st: The day I started this blog. Yes. <3
Feb 11th: Baking at Michelle's house for Anette's birthday! [Plan D]
Feb 14th: Pre-Valentine's and Valentine's day!
Feb 29th: Leap Year!

1. Twitter. 
Oh faithful twitter. I bet people think I'm suicidal now based on the amount of emo song lyrics I tweet every day hahahaha.
2. 9GAG 
Yes, I admit it. My soul has been stolen. Not as if I have anything better to do with my spare time.
3. Lookbook

This site has the prettiest pictures! And inspires me a lot on my own personal style.

1. Why Don't You Love Me - Hot Chelle Rae ft Demi Lovato 
Freaking loveeeeee this song. No amount of e's could express how much I love this song. It's something most of us can relate to. And listening to it just makes you feel like, it's okay to love someone and dedicate yourself to them y'know? 
2. Say You Like Me - We The Kings
Haha such a cute song I swear. If you haven't watched the music video, go watch it! It's really cuteeee! I have no idea how it's related to the lyrics of the song. But I love anything We The Kings, so I love this <3
3. Drive By - Train
Great lyrics (: go listen to it NOWNOWNOW. And it's so catchy! This was the song stuck in my head while I was doing my Chem prac. Which I got 11/15 for. Meh.
4. Move Along - All American Rejects
HELL YES. Hahahaha this song was featured in the soundtrack for SO MANY movies. I was watching She's The Man, and it rekindled my love for this song <3
5. Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab
Okay I don't know why people are getting so stressed out over how songs are starting to suck these days... Yeah sure. Nicki Minaj is pretty bad ._. but you don't have to compare Stupid Hoe to every legendary song from the past decades guys! Songs like these totally reassure me that my generation is not COMPLETELY retarded.

1. Star Wars (3D) 
HAHA was a little confusing, but really awesome anyways! <3 Stuck in the damn first row, so I sat on the floor for half the movie. Neck cramp ): but yes, I plan to have a Star Wars movie marathon sometime this month.

2. Chronicle
WOW this was totally violent. Like. I kept flinching throughout the entire movie. But it was interesting (: and once again. I was stuck in front row. So, NECK CRAMP ):

3. Wicked (The Musical)
Okay, so I cheated. Not exactly a movie. But it was an amazing experience. And anybody that had planned to catch the show while it's still in Singapore, but hasn't got the chance to, should REALLY go get the tickets now. You won't regret it, I promise!

4. This Means War
After waiting so bloody long to watch it, finally did! Haha watched it yesterday, (not the front row, thank goodness). Haven't laughed so hard in a movie in a long time! The fight scenes were cool too. Probably one of the best movies so far this year. Something both guys and girls would enjoy! Can't believe I was going to resort to watching some crappy pirated version of this...

MARCH 2012
Well. Renovations are starting now. And there are gonna be like a lot of random foreign workers walking in and out of my house from 9-5 every day. Plus, the whole living room is in a cluttered mess and is filled with rubble and dirt. Drilling and hacking every day and I CAN'T SLEEP IN ): And I have to live with this for the next month or so. So yeah. Hope this goes well.

Currently, this is what they have done to the master bedroom floor.

Yeah. It's pretty gross. There were like termites and shit too. 

When I was in New York in Nov 2010, I came across the filming of an upcoming movie, Man On A Ledge and it's now showing in cinemas! HOHOHO. Can't wait to see it!

Some pictures I took of the scene where he was supposed to JUMP down like 20 stories or something. 

It's starring Sam Worthington. Yknow, this guy:

Haha! Yeah but he's not blue in this movie :] 
It looks priddy exciting (maybe I'll be in the background somewhere) haha just kidding. (not really)

This year has been quite a roller coaster ride. A lot of unnecessary drama and conflicts. Maybe I'm asking for it, I dunno. Just hope that I'll settle into 2012 soon. Hope you guys will have a good one too. Better than last year and the year before <3 take careeee!
March, please be good to me?